Fiber Optic & TelCo

Tesmec trenchers are a clean and fast technology for in-line excavations for the installation of urban fiber optic networks (FTTx), suburban networks (city rings) and long-distance networks (backbone).

Being connected is a must in a world based on information, and telecom networks are the essential component. The cost and speed of building new telecommunication networks depend largely on how quickly broadband providers can dig trenches along roads to lay fiber conduits. Tesmec offers an integrated value chain with specialized solutions that, due to their high efficiency and precision, are the optimal choice for the installation of urban fiber optic networks (FTTx), suburban networks (city rings) and long-distance networks (backbone).


The development of Tesmec trenchers has been focused on what we know to be the basic key drivers for contractors:

Maximize Productivity & Speed Of Execution

& Time Saving


Low Impact On Urban Environments


